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docs-macros package


Variable Description
[github](/core3-utils/docs-macros.github.html) A link to the package on github Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[github caption?]]]`
[githubBuildStatus](/core3-utils/docs-macros.githubbuildstatus.html) A github build status badge Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[githubBuildStatus]]]`
[githubPages](/core3-utils/docs-macros.githubpages.html) A link to the project's github pages Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[githubPages uri? caption?]]]` where uri can be an inner page if caption is provided a markdown link will be created, otherwise the raw root URL will replace the macro
[gitRepo](/core3-utils/docs-macros.gitrepo.html) Project's current package name, in a url friendly format Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[gitRepo field?]]]` where field can be: host \| org \| repo \| pages \| github
[h](/core3-utils/docs-macros.h.html) Heading - since ts-docs to not natively allow for markdown formatting, this macro is used to create a \#, \#\#, \#\# etc Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[h level title]]]`
[include](/core3-utils/docs-macros.include.html) Include another markdown file (that may also have macros) Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[include path]]]`
[listMacros](/core3-utils/docs-macros.listmacros.html) Lists all the available macros Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[listMacros]]]`
[npmBadge](/core3-utils/docs-macros.npmbadge.html) A npm version badge Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[npmBadge]]]`
[packageName](/core3-utils/docs-macros.packagename.html) Project's current package name Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block of a package: `[[[packageName]]]` Will be replace by the full package name, i.e `@wixc3/docs-macros`
[packageNameUrl](/core3-utils/docs-macros.packagenameurl.html) Project's current package name, in a url friendly format Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block of a package: `[[[packageNameUrl]]]` This is useful for generating links and badges
[rootPackageName](/core3-utils/docs-macros.rootpackagename.html) Project's root package name Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block: `[[[rootPackageName]]]`
[unscopedPackageName](/core3-utils/docs-macros.unscopedpackagename.html) Project's current package name, unscoped Usage: inside a ts-docs comment block of a package: \*docs Will be replace by the full package name, i.e `bla` for `@wixc3/bla`